🇦🇪 مكتب دبي
- برشا هايتس تيكوم ، برج ورسان ، الطابق 10 ، مكتب رقم 1003.
- +971 4 4226154
- info@cadimayousee.com
- صندوق بريد #: 451500
🇷🇴 مكتب رومانيا
- Ploiesti، Str، Gheorghe Doja no. 227 ، مبنى كالوركس.
- +40 72 4663794
I would like to thanks all of Staff of cadima you see. They are very very helpful & cooperative as a manpower company. Especially i would love to mention name of pema Bhutia for great job. Excellent job by cadima you see.
Hi, my name is Dilchand Prajapati, I am a salesman, Cadima You See is one of the good companies, I recommend to all those people who want to go Romania
شارك تجربتك بخصوص Cadima You See.
عمل جيد ، استمر في العمل الرائع